Beyond Description Sound Services

Audio Description | Audio Post Production | Location Sound Services

Beyond Definition Location Sound

Rich Crooks

Location Sound Services

Great Voice Talent

We use the best voice talent in Vancouver, a combination of voiceover artists and actors bring their experience and sense of story to the description and narration.

Great Equipment

We care about sound. Using the best mics, editing software and collective experience in sound, we will treat your show’s sound track with TLC. We also understand deliverables – levels, LtRt, peak, average, dialog norm … we get that.

Great Scriptwriting

A well-written script will fill in the gaps for the sight-impaired viewer, enriching the experience. Also, a properly written script will result in a much faster recording session, and thereby a faster turnaround for our clients.

On Time

Your deadline is our deadline. We know that the successful delivery of your project can hinge on delivering the DV on time. We work 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, to meet your deadline.

Connect with us about your project!

We can provide sound services for you!